Over the past 30 years retail giant Marks & Spencer have sold over 15 million iconic Colin the Caterpillar cakes. In fact, they are so good and kids love them so much, that we have bought one for each of my daughter’s birthdays for the past 10 years… In 2019 Aldi...
Does a contract need to be in writing for it to be enforceable?
Maybe you want to get out of a contract with a supplier - eg new business coach not as awesome as their shiny website promised - or maybe you want there to be a contract in place with a client when there wasn’t anything in writing… maybe there wasn’t an actual...
Do I need to disclose my home address on my website ?
The issue of whether you need to disclose your home address on your website causes people a great deal of consternation. There are often very good reasons why, particularly as small businesses and particularly if you're a woman, you don't want your home address to be...
PSC Register – your new legal requirements
Limited companies and LLPs are now required to maintain a PSC Register (a Person of Significant Control) and companies incorporated after 30 June are also required to file a statement of initial significant control at Companies House. There is no prescribed form of...
7 reasons why you need killer terms of business
Your standard terms and conditions (i.e. the legal basis on which you are willing to do business with your customers) are one of the most important business documents you should have and they should be the first legal document that you put in place when you are...