Transcript of the Video
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Suzanne Dibble here a data protection law expert. A very, very quick video today that doesn't involve any brain power, well a little bit of brain power because I've had to remember some stats, but it's bank holiday. The sun is shining. I'm on a gorgeous dog walk in the gorgeous English countryside, so no brain power required today.
So I want to congratulate you all. Well, all of you in the UK that is, because a recent survey has shown that we are, as a nation, the most prepared people for GDPR. Yay. So well done if you're in the UK. I know we've got lots of people now who aren't in the UK, so well done to you too because you're in my group, but a big well done to all UK businesses for being the most prepared country for GDPR.
So I can't remember all of the stats but the one that I do remember is that 60 percent of UK businesses have carried out a data inventory, compared to 50 percent of EU businesses, and ... Well, EU not included in the UK, and compared to 25 percent of US businesses. So well done to businesses in the UK for getting to grips with GDPR. Well done to everybody in my group, whether you're in the UK or not. You are doing brilliantly by engaging with this, by working towards compliance.
So that's it. Whatever you're doing I hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you're in the UK enjoy the sunny bank holiday. It's a real rarity. So whatever you're doing have a wonderful time.