Should you have a written agreement with somebody who you are interviewing on LinkedIn or on a podcast, where you want to be able to use the recordings for future promotion of your business?

Wherever you are using content produced by a third-party, it is always wise to have some form of written agreement to protect your right to continue to use that content and to ensure that there are no misunderstandings that could lead to claims of copyright infringement.

The copyright position on an interview between two parties where you are recording it is that you will own the copyright in the recording but that there is joint copyright in the interview itself.

Therefore it is always wise to have a brief document where the interviewee provides you with an exclusive license to use their part of the interview ideally without any charge, on a worldwide basis, without restriction and specifically with the right to use it for the future promotion of your business.

We have templates should you need them!

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© Suzanne Dibble 2013-2022

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