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Software as a Service Terms and Conditions: How do I deal with terms of service disputes with my SAAS provider?
I have been using a SaaS provider for my business’ app, but I have no way of putting my own terms and conditions and privacy notice on the app. Is this important and if I can’t add my own terms and privacy notice should I move to a new SaaS provider? When...
Eternal Engagement: The Legality of Lifetime Access for Group Programmes and Memberships”
Is it possible to state that group programmes and memberships have lifetime access? The term ‘lifetime access’ is common in the online coaching, training and mentoring world. However, what does it actually mean? Does it mean the lifetime of the customer? Does it mean...
Trademarking Your Unique Methodology: Can Diagrams Be Protected?
Can I trademark a methodology conveyed by way of a diagram that comprises geometric shapes with words? There is nothing to say that you cannot trademark a diagram as images are capable of being trademarked. However, the usual rules as to distinctiveness and other...
Mastering the Art of the Order Bump: Updating Terms and Conditions for Discounted Event Access for Friends
I am doing an order bump on a virtual event, so that purchasers can add a friend for a discounted price. How do I need to amend my terms and conditions for this and do I need the additional person to sign anything? The additional person does not need to sign the full...
Unravelling the Data Protection Fee: Navigating Payments Amidst Business Closure and New Ventures
Do I have to pay the Data Protection Fee if I am thinking about closing down my business to start something new? The data protection fee is a fee paid to the Information Commissioner's Office, the UK’s data protection regulator, of £35 per year for small businesses...
Exploring Trademark Nuances: The Implications of ‘The' in Your Registered Trademark
If I have a word trademarked, can someone else use the same trademark with ‘The” in front of it if I haven’t registered the word “The” as part of my trademark? There are three main infringement offences of trademarks. They are: Using the same mark for the same...
Caught in a Trademark Tangle: My Unregistered Brand Name Snatched by a Business Partner – Now What?
I had been using two words as part of my brand and collaborating with a recruitment agency on some joint projects, some of which included my brand name, but had not registered the words as a trademark. Unbeknown to me at the time, the recruitment agency trademarked...
The Truth On Protected Titles For Psychologists
Can a person who is not qualified as a psychologist call themself a psychologist? According to Article 39 of the Health and Social Work Professions Order 2001, it is an offence if with intent to deceive (whether expressly or by implication), a person: (a) falsely...
Demystifying Copyright Notices: How To Properly Protect Your Materials
How should I write the copyright notice on my materials and who should own the copyright? Me in my individual capacity, in my trading name or my limited company? The legal position is that the owner of copyright is the creator of the original work. The exception to...